MARQUEE MESSAGES, Ely's Historic State Theater
Do you have a special event, birthday, or anniversary you'd like to celebrate? See your name shining in lights on Ely's Historic State Theater's marquee!
Personal Marquee Messages
- $75 per day*
- Posted on the east facing side only
- Guaranteed posted by 10am on the day of reservation
- Will be removed after 8am the day after the reservation
- Maximum 16 characters per line, and 2 lines (including spaces)
- Numbers and letters only. No punctuation or special characters.
- Must reserve at least 2 days in advance
- No advertising, business affiliations, or calls to action permitted
*Price is fully refundable if canceled within 2 days of the date.
EHST will never post any demeaning, derogatory, or otherwise negative messages to the marquee, and EHST reserves the right to refuse any messages that are deemed as such. EHST will avoid posting any messages with political, racial, sexual, religious or otherwise controversial implications. All message requests and content must be approved by the theater manager or a person appointed by the theater manager, and anything considered negative or controversial will be rejected.